Remote / Full-time
Unsplash is the world’s open creative community. It’s fueled by people who offer world-class photos freely for anyone to use, enabling everyone to create. Our community includes millions of creators from award-winning writers like Deepak Chopra to multi-platinum recording artists.
A photo featured on Unsplash is viewed more than the front page of the New York Times. Unsplash is now part of the creative process for more people than any other image media platform.
We see Unsplash as the platform supporting a movement that’s reinventing an industry run by the old guard and covered in red tape. What we’re building won’t just have an impact on photography, but the internet as a whole.
The Community Manager is an integral role in supporting the global community and growing the visual library. Reporting into the Head of Community, this person will support the team in areas of executing growth campaigns/programs, social media & supporting company-wide marketing launches. We are looking for individuals who are community-oriented and passionate about the open photography movement.